July 18, 2004 1:26 AM
Recently, I updated my Redhat 9 to Fedora Core 2. The upgrade in
itself was a breeze though when I did first log on to gnome, I got an
configuration error. This bug was documented at Redhat's mailing
list and at Fedora Faq, each with it's own different workaround. A
symbolic link to xfree86.lst
in the rules folder did the
trick. Here's the fix1:
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/rules ln -s xorg.lst xfree86.lst
Gnome's spatial file manager2 sent shivers down my spine reminding me of Windows 95 days. Well,
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_browser true
obviated the need for me to go crazy closing all those windows.
The upgrade preserved most of my settings and didn't mess up anything
as much as I thought it would. There was this annoying hiss from the
speakers which was solved by muting a device named IEC9598
. I love the 2.6 Kernel. The system definitely runs
faster. Some of the finer technical advantages of Fedora Core 2 is
illustrated at GaneshSwami's site. This article at Linux.com is also
worth a read.
[1] You have to be root to do this.
[2] Each folder opens in its own window.